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FBI director says cybersecurity threat is increasing “almost exponentially”

Are you ready? Are you prepared? Following are the recent cyberattacks that are targeted against education industry: https://news.yahoo.com/fbi-director-says-cybersecurity-threat-202522727.html https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fbi-warns-cyberattacks-distance-learning/story?id=75038470 https://www.govtech.com/policy/2020-marks-a-record-breaking-year-for-cyber-attacks-against-schools.html https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/university-california-victim-nationwide-hack-attack-76847800 Active Directory is the “critical” component of any enterprise security. Checkout our solutions!

Viewing Truncated PowerShell Output!

Sometimes PowerShell truncates output, and if you don’t realize what’s going on, you’ll never get it to show. Where you’re expecting potentially lots more text, PowerShell replaces it with a single lousy ellipsis, cruelly taunting you. Column Width: If it’s just a column width problem, the fix is simple enough: just pipe to out-string and […]