Syncing On-Premises Active Directory with Azure AD: A Practical Guide for IT Professionals

As organizations increasingly adopt cloud services, the need to maintain a seamless user experience across on-premises and cloud environments has become crucial. A key aspect of this is ensuring that user identities are consistent and synchronized between on-premises Active Directory (AD) and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). This post delves into the practical steps of […]

Active Directory Fundamentals for Beginners

This is for those wanting a refresher or just learning about AD. Active Directory (AD), developed by Microsoft, is a cornerstone of modern enterprise IT infrastructure, providing a range of crucial services from access control to asset management. This comprehensive guide explores the intricacies and functionalities of Active Directory, offering insights into its operations, protocols, […]

Active Directory User Lifecycle Management for Educational Institutions

Effectively managing user lifecycles in Active Directory is paramount for educational institutions. With the constant flux of enrollments, course registrations, and other dynamics, IT professionals must navigate unique challenges. 1. Automated Account Provisioning: – The Need: As students and parents enroll, their accounts originate in the Student Information Systems (SIS). However, a parallel needs to […]

What is Active Directory Tombstone Lifetime?

In the realm of Active Directory (AD), the Tombstone Lifetime is a property that holds significant importance. It determines the period a deleted object, known as a “tombstone”, remains in the directory service before it is permanently deleted. This period is crucial for the replication of the deletion to all other domain controllers in the […]

Performing Active Directory Security Review

Download the ADMustcheckReports.ps1 script below. Note: You will need to extract the .ps1 after downloading the zip file, please review the help file. The ADMustcheckReports.ps1 is a PowerShell scripts gathers basic data from AD Domain/forest that we believe enterprises must review on a regular basis and take necessary actions to remediate any weakness. You can […]