Exchange and Lync Domain Account Settings

Exchange and Lync Domain Account Settings For exchange and lync user creation the configured domain account should be a member of the following 2 groups. 1. Organization Management (This is required for Exchange to work properly) 2. RTCUniversalUserAdmins (This is required for Lync  to work properly)

Basic openldap queries and config files

To list no of establish connections netstat -an | grep “:389.*EST” | wc -l netstat -an | grep -c “:389” To list all the connections with ip detaials lsof -i tcp:389 To view the config.ldif file from the openldap command line prompt vi /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config.ldif To edit the file from the particular path in openldap using […]

Configuration of Lync Server in Cionsystems ADMPro.

Lync Configuration: It’s a two step process 1.  Install the pre-requisites. 2. Configure Lync Settings in ADMPro. Install the pre-requisites. Please download the  Lync Pre-requisites from the below link. Please install the following Pre-requisites on the domain join server where ADMPRO is Installed. UnZip the “Lync Pre-requisites” file and follow the step by step […]

Windows Authentication connecting string–Manual Configuration for ADMPRO DB

Manually Configuring database of ADMPRO 1.Run the ADMPRO db script to create the db. 2.Manual change the config files. Manually changing of Config files with Sql instance and port no Below is the Windows authentication connection string for admpro <add key=”ConnectionString” value=”Data Source=ptm\mssqlserver1,3785;Initial Catalog=CION_AD_MANAGER_PRO;persist security info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI”/> Note : In data source you have to […]

De-provisioning of Users in ADM Pro

A. De–Provisioning Template Creation : 1.  Login to CionSystems ADM Pro Manager with Admin Credentials as below 2.Go to AD Management–>User –>Templates à Click on De–Provision template 3.In De–Provision Templates you can create new De-provision templates by selecting multiple options. 4.As shown in the above Image enter template name and select De-Provision time Option as […]